Clear Camp 1 Testimonies
Most of our guests and most of our business at Tall Timbers comes from the 10-or-so weeks of summer camp. In 2017, more than ever before, many of our weeks are full to capacity. A camp leaves, we clean again for a smaller weekend retreat, and we do it all again the next week. Over and over again, we see lives changed because people are choosing to follow Jesus for the first time, or they are renewing their relationship with him.
The wonderful thing about choosing to follow Christ is that it doesn’t have to happen on Sunday morning at church. It doesn’t have to wait until the last night of church camp. When God reaches out and calls to us, we can answer his voice anytime, anywhere! We see this many times throughout the ministry of Jesus when he invited others to follow him: at someone’s job (Matthew 4:18-22, Mark 1:16-20), while traveling to Jerusalem (Mark 10:17-21), and at night for someone in secret (John chapter 3). Jesus was always available to others as he walked the Earth as a man, and he makes himself available to us presently in his resurrection (Acts 2: 22-47).
God has been saving and rescuing children and youth this summer as they respond to His voice! Last week, in particular, students seemed to be responding to God all day long. Students were coming forward to be saved during the services, with their church group meetings, during group Bible study, and one person even left the late-night rec games to find a leader because “he couldn’t put it off any longer.” We are so thankful for the camp pastor, program staff, and church leaders who are faithful to listen to these students and point them in the right direction through Scriptures. We are most thankful to God for how he is seeking out those who are lost, and inviting them to trust in Him!