Apply now for 2024 Summer Staff!

Our Need

Tall Timbers is always looking for hard-working high school and college students to serve with us in our busy summer months. We host 10 summer camps with hundreds of kids and youth from week to week in addition to many other churches and groups that have weekend retreats. The summer staff is a big help to our full time staff of employees, and our goal is to remove all distractions for our guests so that they may have a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.

Job Description

Summer staffers at Tall Timbers are not counselors to campers and do not serve directly on the front lines teaching Bible studies to them. They do assist in all areas of the camp including the kitchen, maintenance, housekeeping, and plenty of recreation. Leading recreation here may consist of lifeguarding at the pool or at pedal boats on the lake, large games on the field during camps, leading bazooka ball, and also being trained to work on the high ropes course. There are many long days and long weeks here, as there are some camps that pack up and leave as other new ones begin. We are always looking for lifeguards and ropes certified workers, or those interested in pursuing those areas.

Summer Life

Housing and meals are a big benefit to serving here! Meals are always available for you when the dining hall is open, which is nearly every day in the summer. Summer staffers live in Indian Creek Lodge on our campus from late May to early August. Indian Creek is a suite style dormitory with shared bathrooms and has a separate wing for girls and boys, much like you would find on a college campus. Weekly Bible studies as a group are a must as we aim to keep you spiritually fed during the busy summer.

The Mission

We like to tell our Summer Staff that although the days are long and hot, their work, many times unseen, makes a big difference. Everything they do from cleaning a cabin, to preparing a meal, to picking up trash outside, is removing a distraction so that a guest can hear clearly from God while at camp. Your work earns paychecks, but the reward of people coming to know Christ during their camp experience here is far greater. Will you join our team?


      • Must be at least 18 years of age (we may consider younger staff, 17 year old students, on a case by case basis)
      • Must be able to work most of the period from late May through early August (Time off is certainly allowed, but we need committed workers for the summer!)
      • Complete an application and schedule an interview
      • Have your pastor, youth pastor, or college minister fill out a recommendation form for you

Returning Summer Staff must also complete recommendation form and sit for another interview.


Contact Tall Timbers at 318.445.6797 or email

Resources (All Required)